What is Fuel Injection and Fuel Injector

Fuel injection is defined as the process in which the entrance of fuel in an internal combustion engine is done, usually automotive engines , by using an efficient injector. The functional objectives for fuel injection systems can differ. All share the central task of delivering fuel to the combustion process, but it is a design decision about how a particular system is designed to function. The fuel injector, an electrically administered entrance, conveys fuel inside the engine through its nozzle. The Engine Control Unit (ECU) commands when the injector should inoculate fuel into the engine cylinder. It is recommended to thoroughly clean the injectors every 25,000 to 30,000 miles to make sure that they do not get clogged. Let's discuss some of the prevalent symptoms of faulty, clogged, bad or leaking Fuel injector 1. Beginning issues 2. Poor idle 3. Fai...